Accepting payments by card

Learn how to accept payments by debit/credit card

Updated over a week ago

Mira is integrated with Square and Stripe for card payments.

Once you have configured your payment provider, you are ready to start accepting payments via card.

The option to accept card payments will be printed on any new invoices that you generate.

To view this, open an invoice which is either marked as Open for Payment or Partially Paid.

In the top action bar, you'll see an option "Take Payment".

Square Point of Sale (POS) Payments

This option is only available through the Mira app for iOS and Android.

You may accept a tap-and-pay credit card payment if you have connected Square and use the "Square Point of Sale (POS)" app on your phone.

Upon taking the payment through the app, you'll be redirected back to Mira to save the transaction to our system.

Card Payments

Alternatively, you can process a credit card payment yourself using the printed URL at the top of the "Take Payment" dialog.

A new window will open where the client can enter their details and billing details for this invoice.

Once their card details have been processed, they will be sent an email receipt of payment.

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